
Noob Guide

how to regester and log in

here is the starting page (add this to favorits)



The Chaos gate (the round blue, rotating thing) is the way you access difrent maps in the world. But due to this chat intending for japanese players, the words come out as "?" on western computers.
Western players have developed a code for using the chaos gate called 'chaos code'. it consists of 3-4 numbers. An example would be: "221". So when someone is saying, "hay lets go to 221" there refering to the code.
so this is how you use the code:
when you click the chaos gate, a spech bubble will pop up, click the second (2) row of "?" in the bubble, now a new bubble will pop up and you will kneed to click the second (2) row of "?" again and finaly click the first (1) row of "?".
this will aply to all codes and its inportant to know how to use the chaos gate.

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